How many times has this happened to you? You go to bed after a long, unproductive day with the intention that tomorrow is going to be different. Then you wake up the next day and fall right back into the same old trap. It feels like you’re trapped inside your own private version of Groundhog […]
About Michael Hyatt
How to Solve Almost Any Problem (Hopefully)
I’ve had my share of pain and setbacks. I’ve experienced a catastrophic business failure. I’ve been fired by clients. I’ve struggled in my marriage. I’ve had children with chronic and debilitating diseases. And I’ve had my own health crises. Fortunately, right now things are going well (knock on wood). But I do struggle with one […]
A 4-Step Process for Making Better Decisions
Human beings are notoriously bad at making decisions. In their new book, Decisive, bestselling authors, Chip Heath and Dan Heath offer a four-step process for making better decisions. I am also giving away 50 copies.
A Tale of Two Coaches: What Kind Are You?
There’s more to coaching than sharing your expertise. The way you communicate that expertise is as important as the knowledge itself. Years ago I went golfing with my friend and colleague, Dr. Victor Oliver. I had played quite a bit as a teenager, but had set aside my clubs when I became an adult. At […]
Ideas on How to Deliver Extraordinary Results
Nine years ago, Mark Sanborn published Fred, a book about a postman and the extraordinary service he provided. The book was wildly successful, landing on all the bestseller lists and inspiring millions around the world, including companies, schools, and entire cities. Now Mark has published an all-new book on the same topic. It is called […]
How to Do More of What You Love and Less of What You Don’t
Do you have a long-term delegation strategy? This is the secret to moving more into “the zone” and getting out of those activities you don’t enjoy or don’t do well. Recently, I recorded two podcasts on the subject of delegation. The first dealt with the principles of delegation. The second suggested how you might delegate […]
3 Ways to Make Your Products Remarkable
At the Launch Conference a few months ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with New York Times bestselling author, Lysa TerKeurst and interview her about her concept of “Remarkable Marketing.” What she had to say is applicable to anyone who is trying to get their message heard. [vimeo id=61056106] According to Lysa, the […]
Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear
Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the willingness to act in spite of my fear. Here’s how I learned this invaluable lesson.
How a Quick Analysis of Your Top Posts Can Improve Your Blogging Results Next Year
Now is a good time to review your previous year’s blogging results. Here are my top 10 posts and what I learned from evaluating them.
4 Ways to Keep Inspiration Alive
One of your primary roles as a leader is to inspire your people. This won’t happen by accident. You must be intentional. Here are four ways you can keep it alive.
I Am Not a Leader (or So I Thought)
Think you’re not a leader? Think again. According to guest poster Tammy Helfrich, everyone is a leader, including you. Here are five ways to embrace it.
How Are People Left When You Leave Their Presence?
As leaders, we have an impact on others—whether we realize it or not. But that impact is a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. It is either positive or negative. It is rarely neutral.
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 3
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 2
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 1
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.
Should Books Be Priced According to Their Length?
I have read long books that were worthless and short books that were invaluable. That’s why I don’t believe books should be priced according to their length.
A Question That Changes Everything
You can’t always choose what happens to you. Accidents and tragedies happen. But you can choose how you respond to those situations. One of the best ways to begin is to ask yourself the right questions.
The 10 Most Common Objections to Hiring a Virtual Assistant
When I talk to other leaders about hiring a virtual assistant, they are often skeptical. Here are my answers to the most common objections.
How to Manage a Micromanager
If you find yourself working for a micromanager, here are three actions you can take to get him or her off your back.
Are You Investing Your Best Resources in the Wrong People?
As a leader, it is easy to get sucked into high maintenance relationships. When this happens, you and your organization suffer. Here’s how to avoid this common pitfall.
Why Frequent Trips Outside Your Comfort Zone Are So Important
If you are out to accomplish something significant, you are going to be spending a lot of time outside your comfort zone. Here are seven ways to maximize the experience.
15 Resources for Pro Bloggers (or Those Who Want to Be)
What resources do professional bloggers use? Here are the fifteen I use on a daily basis.
How I Unplugged and Lived to Tell About It
Earlier this month, my wife Gail and I took a two-week vacation. We unplugged from e-mail and social media. Here’s what we experienced.
The Value of Working for a Bad Boss
I’ve had more than twenty bosses in my career. I worked well with nearly all of them. But surprisingly, I learned the most from the worst ones. Here are a few of the lessons.