“If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.” How often have we heard this, said this, and truly believed this? The fact is, it’s simply not true. Think back on the first quarter of 2023. How many times did you finish a work week thinking only of unaccomplished tasks that needed […]
Latest Blog Posts - Page 6
3 Steps to Decluttering Your Life With the Full Focus System
“I haven’t seen you in forever. We should get together soon!” How often have you had this conversation with a friend you ran into at a birthday party or going for a jog in the park? It’s been months since you’ve seen one another and, unfortunately, it’s looking like it might be a few more […]
The Best Ideal Week Practices for Business Owners
Have you heard of Jack Nevison’s research on the “Rule of Fifty”? In his studies on professionals and their productivity, Nevison found that working over 50 hours in a week actually reduced productivity. In fact, 50 hours on the job only equated to about 37 hours of high-quality work. Burning the candle at both ends […]
3 Keys to Crafting Your Ideal Week to Win Back Your Time
Your Ideal Week is a football field. On Monday, you’re starting at your own goal line. As the week progresses, you’re throwing screens and crossers, running the ball in chunks and moving down the field, crossing midfield on Wednesday with your eyes set on the end zone—the weekend. If you look at the Ideal Week […]
4 Tips to Negotiate Your Commitments and Get Your Time Back
Negotiating skills often come naturally to business owners. For sales-savvy individuals, securing a seat on a board or signing up for a leadership position isn’t necessarily the problem. However, getting out of these commitments is. These responsibilities come at a cost. Professional and personal obligations quickly add up and can start to drain your time, […]
Eliminate Distractions to Focus on Achievement with This Tool
No good comes from ignoring a check engine light. It’s not going away on its own (in fact, it will most likely get worse). But in life, we do this with ourselves all the time. When we fail to evaluate and improve on the shortcomings of our performance, our problems only grow. Whether you’re established […]
Saying ‘No’ to Unlock Your Most Productive Self
Chances are pretty good you’ve helped a friend or family member move at some point—voluntarily or otherwise. Let’s be honest: It’s a task no one enjoys. It’s labor-intensive, tiring, sometimes boring, and you’re likely spending an entire day doing it. No amount of free pizza is worth that. Still, you love your friends and family […]
More Tasks than Time? Spring Clean Your To-Do List
It’s that time of year: Spring cleaning. It’s an annual tradition that goes back forever, and most of us get a piece of the action. Seven in ten Americans participate every year. You can find countless spring-cleaning checklists, tips, and shortcuts. But most of these lists miss the messiest part of our lives: our to-do […]
Achieve More Than You Thought Possible in 2023
As we get ready to wrap up 2022, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on this past year—the challenges, the unforeseen changes to your normal routine, and the clarity that has come from being forced to reevaluate what is most important. It’s safe to say you likely got thrown a few curveballs […]
How to Jumpstart a Stuck Project
Have you ever been stuck on an important project? You have a big idea, you know it’ll be great for your business or personal life, but you can’t get moving? Yeah, happens to me all the time, too. Missing our goals isn’t a great feeling. As we approach the end of the year, it’s natural […]